Welcome to LAHINI

It's been a year in the making! I'm talking multiple name changes (you do not want to hear the other options), forming the brand identity and creating a new platform for ultimate representation.

The question is, why have I created this in the first place?
Have a platform that represents consumer and brand values;
Ease of access;
Source quality products without compromising on price;
Bring Asian communities together, all in one place.

Pew Research Centre concluded the following from their study on Asian adults in the United States conducted from July 2022 to January 2023. This can easily be applied to any western country.

  1. Generational Differences. U.S.-born, second-generation Asian Americans are more likely to have hidden their heritage to assimilate into a predominantly White-raced society.

  2. Age and Language. Younger Asian Americans and those who primarily speak English are more prone to concealing aspects of their culture.

  3. Multiracial Identity. Some multiracial Asian Americans and those with more distant immigrant roots hide their heritage to pass as White. This highlights the complexity of Asian American identity and the need to acknowledge and respect the diversity within the community.

  4. Cultural Pride. Despite some challenges, many second-generation Asian Americans express pride in their cultural background and a desire to share it with others. 

  5. Balancing Act. Asian Americans often face a delicate balance between maintaining their cultural practices and adapting to mainstream American society. Strive to create content that respects and embraces both aspects.

Resonate with these thoughts? 

Here are the main purposes of LAHINI:

A new store offering a curated selection of Asian products, starting with beauty, jewellery, clothing and more.

Introducing a contemporary platform designed to empower personal growth by sharing knowledge and recommendations.

A space for brands to spotlight products for a diverse audience, without being hidden in a large marketplace.

A platform that prioritizes representing enduring products reflective of their Asian heritage and cultural narrative.


HELP! I don’t have a skincare routine, where do I even start??